• Latin America Feed Enzymes Market

    The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Feed Enzymes Market Report and Forecast 2021-2026’, gives an in-depth analysis of the market, assessing it based on type, application, form, and key regions.

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miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2022

Latin America Fire Extinguisher Market To Bolster Significantly During 2022-2027, Driven By Proliferation Of Portable Extinguishers In Residential Sector

El nuevo informe de Informes de Expertos titulado, ‘Mercado de Extintores en América Latina, Informe y Pronóstico 2022-2027′, analiza el mercado en función de producto, agente extintor, fuego, aplicación, y las zonas geográficas importantes. El informe evalúa las tendencias importantes del mercado y las variables que influyen en el éxito de su expansión, y también examina la dinámica del mercado a través de los indicadores de precios y la evolución de la demanda. Además, se analizan las limitaciones del sector y se estudia cómo afectan al mercado mundial, al tiempo que se realizan análisis FODA y de las cinco fuerzas de Porter del mercado.

The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Fire Extinguisher Market 2022-2027‘ , analyses the market based on product, fire extinguishing agent, fire, application, and important geographic areas. The important market trends and variables influencing the market’s successful expansion are evaluated in the report, which also looks at the market dynamics through pricing indicators and changing demand. Additionally, it discusses industry limitations and investigates how they affect the worldwide market while doing SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces analyses of the market.

Get a Free Sample Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-extintores-en-america-latina/solicitar-una-muestra

Los aspectos más destacados del informe son:

Visión General del Mercado (2017-2027)

• CAGR del Periodo de Pronóstico (2022-2027): 4,95%

Según nuestro análisis, el mercado latinoamericano de extintores alcanzó un volumen de USD 385 millones de toneladas en el año 2021. Para prevenir cualquier incidente imprevisto causado por un incendio, los gobiernos de varios países están promulgando estrictas normas de seguridad. Los extintores son ahora más comunes, sobre todo en los hogares, lugares de trabajo, hoteles, restaurantes, escuelas y hospitales. El aumento de los niveles de industrialización y la creación de espacios comerciales, especialmente en las regiones en desarrollo, son otros factores que apoyan la demanda de extintores. Durante el período de pronóstico, se anticipa que el mercado crezca con estos factores.

Además, las compañías de seguros influyen en el mercado, ya que exigen la instalación de extintores en las estructuras que aseguran. Además, las principales empresas del sector están creando extintores ecológicos, a base de gas o polvo, que no emiten gases nocivos. Además, están ampliando su línea de productos para incluir extintores pequeños, ligeros y asequibles. Varias empresas también están invirtiendo en fusiones y adquisiciones (M&A) para aumentar su alcance en el mercado mundial y su base de clientes.

Read Full Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-extintores-en-america-latina

Industry Definition and Major Segments

A portable fire extinguisher is a safety tool that is frequently used to put out minor flames in emergency situations and reduce possible damage before firefighters arrive. It consists of a cylinder with an extinguishing substance inside, as well as a handle, nozzle, and pressure gauge. It basically functions by releasing the extinguishing ingredient under high pressure, which helps to cool the burning substance, rob the flame of oxygen, and thwart the chemical reaction of the flame.

Depending on the product, the market can be broadly classified into the following categories

• Laptop
• Backpack
• Wheeled

The industry can be classified on the basis of extinguishing agent into:

• Dry chemical (powder)
• Foam
• Carbon Dioxide
• Others

In terms of fire, the market can be classified as follows

• Class A
• Class B
• Class C
• Class D
• Class K

The following sectors have a wide range of applications

• Industrial
• Commercial
• Residential

Key regions covered include:

• Brazil
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Others

Market Trends

The need for fire extinguishers in getting fire under control and to withstand harsh environments and extreme corrosion conditions has an impact on product design strategies and will support R&D investments. As an intangible service and a safety, fire protection is continually evolving, and fire extinguishing methods are being enhanced. Product adoption is rising as more portable and lightweight extinguishers, including fireballs, become available. Depending on the type of fire, different portable extinguishers are used.

The need for portable extinguishers is rising because of the rising number of fatalities from residential and commercial fires. It is anticipated that strict public rules mandating the installation of extinguishers will foster market expansion. The rise of trade regions, particularly in developing nations, along with industrialization rates further increase the need for extinguishers. To put out a fire in the first instance, portable extinguishers are employed.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

• Express Extintores
• IGNIX® Extintor
• Amerex Corporation
• ExtinBrassil
• Others

This report covers their profiles and provides information on expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest industry developments.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

Media Contact

Company Name: Informes De Expertos
Contact Person: Irene Garcia, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A.
Email: us.sales@expertmarketresearch.com
Toll Free Number: +1 (818) 319-4060
Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
Website: https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2022

Latin America Titanium Dioxide Market To Bolster Significantly During 2022-2027, Driven By Burgeoning Requirement In The Construction Industry

El nuevo estudio de Informes de Expertos titulado ‘Mercado Latinoamericano de Dióxido de Titanio, Informe y Pronóstico 2022-2027′, ofrece un estudio en profundidad del mercado, midiendo el crecimiento basado en aplicación y regiones clave. El informe profundiza en los factores y limitaciones que están dando forma a las perspectivas del mercado. Analiza las últimas tendencias del sector y estudia su impacto en el mercado global, incluidas las oportunidades que plantean. El estudio también evalúa la dinámica del mercado, abarcando los indicadores clave de la demanda y los precios, las amenazas de los sustitutos y los entrantes, y las perspectivas de las empresas, junto con el análisis del mercado basado en los modelos SWOT y de las cinco fuerzas de Porter.

The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Titanium Dioxide Market 2022-2027’, gives an in-depth survey of the market, gauging the growth based on application and key regions. The report delves into factors and constraints that are shaping the market outlook. It analyses the latest trends in the industry and studies their impact on the overall market including the opportunities posed by them. The study also assesses the market dynamics, covering the key demand and price indicators, threats of substitutes and entrants, and company overviews, along with analyzing the market based on the SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models.

Get a Free Sample Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-dioxido-de-titanio-en-america-latina

Los aspectos más destacados del informe son:

Visión General del Mercado (2017-2027)

• CAGR del Periodo de Pronóstico (2022-2027): 4,1%

En 2021, el mercado latinoamericano de dióxido de titanio se situó en un volumen de producción de alrededor de 655 mil toneladas métricas. La industria de la construcción, que requiere un uso intensivo de dióxido de titanio en pigmentos, barnices y revestimientos, es la que dirige la dinámica del mercado. Además, otro consumidor de dióxido de titanio en América Latina es quizás el sector del papel y del plástico. Por ello, varios países están invirtiendo en métodos sostenibles de extracción de dióxido de titanio, ya que el proceso convencional es económicamente inviable. Dado que absorbe los rayos UV, también se emplea en cremas de protección solar, tabletas, pasta de dientes y otros productos alimenticios y de higiene.

En los últimos años, la demanda de automóviles ligeros ha aumentado en los países en desarrollo. A la luz de la recuperación de la profunda recesión, la industria del automóvil también muestra una tendencia optimista en algunas partes de América Latina. Se estima que la demanda de óxido de titanio crecerá debido al constante aumento del consumo de pinturas y revestimientos en la industria del automóvil, especialmente en los vehículos ligeros. En el sector de las pinturas y los revestimientos, la sustancia también se utiliza como floculante, agente blanqueador y agente de dispersión. El producto es un agente de dispersión con gran resistencia a la cal y máxima retención del brillo que se utiliza en los revestimientos para automóviles.

Read Full Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-dioxido-de-titanio-en-america-latina/solicitar-una-muestra

Industry Definition and Major Segments

Titanium dioxide is a white inorganic chemical that is typically generated from minerals including ilmenite, rutile, and anatase. It is employed in a plethora of products due to its luminous, non-toxic, and non-reactive traits, particularly as a vibrant dye to improve the whiteness and luminosity of different substances. As a common white pigment and thickener, titanium dioxide is used in a variety of dyes, paints, coatings, plastics, soaps, and creams.

By Application, the market is widely divided into:

• Paints and Coating
• Plastics
• Papers
• Others

Key regions covered include:

• Brazil
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Others

Market Trends

The market is prospering with the escalating use of TiO2 as pigments in paints & coatings, printing inks, rubbers, textiles, and other products. The use of Ti02 for lamination, screen printing, and metal decorative inks has culminated in the printing inks market encountering new growth prospects. Likewise, it is estimated that the consumption will increase owing to the increasing fuel efficiency of lightweight automobiles. Several plastic-based auto parts, including a bumper, the interior, and the exterior, are coated with this mineral.

The primary market force behind the expansion of this market is the increased demand for lightweight automobiles, which is aided by rising technological developments and innovations in the automotive sector. The rise in demand for fuel-efficient cars can be attributed to regulations over emission laws. This is anticipated to increase demand even more. The expansion of the titanium dioxide market is primarily driven by rising building activities brought on by consumers’ improving lifestyles, rising renovation activity, and new government infrastructure projects.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

• The Chemours Company
• Kronos Worldwide, Inc.
• Tronox Holdings plc
• LB Group
• Evonik
• Others

This study includes information on their overview and information as well as the most recent changes in the industry as well as information on investments, mergers, and acquisitions.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

Media Contact

Company Name: Informes De Expertos
Contact Person: Irene Garcia, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A.
Email: us.sales@expertmarketresearch.com
Toll Free Number: +1 (818) 319-4060
Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
Website: https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/

Latin America EEG Electrodes Market To Bolster Significantly During 2022-2027, Driven By Prevalence Of Neurological Disorders

El nuevo estudio de Informes de Expertos titulado ‘Mercado de Electrodos de EEG en América Latina, Informe y Pronóstico 2022-2027′, ofrece un estudio en profundidad del mercado, midiendo el crecimiento basado en tipo de producto, aplicación, uso final, y regiones clave. El informe profundiza en los factores y limitaciones que están dando forma a las perspectivas del mercado. Analiza las últimas tendencias del sector y estudia su impacto en el mercado global, incluidas las oportunidades que plantean. El estudio también evalúa la dinámica del mercado, abarcando los indicadores clave de la demanda y los precios, las amenazas de los sustitutos y los entrantes, y las perspectivas de las empresas, junto con el análisis del mercado basado en los modelos SWOT y de las cinco fuerzas de Porter.

The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America EEG Electrodes Market 2022-2027’, gives an in-depth survey of the market, gauging the growth based on product type, application, end use, and key regions. The report delves into factors and constraints that are shaping the market outlook. It analyses the latest trends in the industry and studies their impact on the overall market including the opportunities posed by them. The study also assesses the market dynamics, covering the key demand and price indicators, threats of substitutes and entrants, and company overviews, along with analyzing the market based on the SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models.

Get a Free Sample Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-electrodos-de-eeg-en-america-latina/solicitar-una-muestra

Los aspectos más destacados del informe son:

Visión General del Mercado (2017-2027)

• CAGR del Periodo de Pronóstico (2022-2027): 3,95%

En el año 2021, el mercado latinoamericano de electrodos de EEG alcanzó un valor de USD 58 millones. También, el mercado ha cobrado protagonismo debido a la creciente concienciación sobre los electrodos de EEG y sus usos en la detección de actividades en el cerebro. Debido a los desarrollos tecnológicos, al aumento de los casos de HAls y a la mayor frecuencia de enfermedades neurológicas en toda la región latinoamericana, existe una mayor demanda de electrodos de EEG desechables. Uno de los principales impulsores de la expansión del mercado de los electrodos de EEG desechables es la creciente incidencia de las infecciones de transmisión sexual provocadas por la falta de higiene y precaución.

Asimismo, ayudan a impedir la entrada de bacterias y otras enfermedades microbianas en el cuerpo del paciente. Por ello, los profesionales sanitarios prefieren los artículos desechables a los reutilizables. El mercado de los electrodos de EEG desechables se ve afectado de forma significativa por el aumento de la prevalencia de enfermedades neurológicas como la enfermedad de Parkinson, la epilepsia, el temblor esencial y la distonía. Las elevadas tasas de mortalidad, el aumento de la concienciación pública sobre esta afección neurológica y la carga que supone la enfermedad aumentan la necesidad de tratamientos eficaces a largo plazo, como los estimuladores cerebrales magnéticos, y han impulsado el mercado de los electrodos de EEG desechables.

Read Full Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-electrodos-de-eeg-en-america-latina

Industry Definition and Major Segments

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that uses tiny, metal discs (electrodes) attached to the scalp to measure electrical activity in the brain. Electrical impulses are the primary means of communication among brain cells, which are always active, even while the person is asleep. As a result, wavy lines can be seen during this activity on an EEG recording demonstrating the neurological activities.

On the basis of product type, the market is segmented into:

• Passive Electrodes
• Active Electrodes
• Dry
• Others

The major applications in the industry are:

• Diagnostic Electrodes
• Therapeutic Electrodes
• Others

The major end-use in the market are:

• Hospitals
• Academic and Research Institutes
• Others

Key regions covered include:

• Brazil
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Others

Market Trends

Itchy skin can occur frequently using electrolyte gels in wet Ag/AgCl electrodes. By just doing away with the requirement for wet gel and shortening installation time by allowing direct interaction with the scalp, dry electrodes assist in resolving these problems. For research carried out in hospitals, a quicker time frame is especially advantageous.

Additionally, dry electrodes shorten the interval between recording sessions. Due to these advantageous qualities, the dry electrodes market is anticipated to expand. The industry for long-term applications would be further expanded if conductive cloth were to be created for its use in dry contact electrodes. The business for EEG electrodes as a whole is anticipated to gain from the rising use of dry electrodes during the projected period.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

• The Chemours Company
• Kronos Worldwide, Inc.
• Tronox Holdings plc
• LB Group
• Evonik
• Others

This study includes information on their overview and information as well as the most recent changes in the industry as well as information on investments, mergers, and acquisitions.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

Media Contact

Company Name: Informes De Expertos
Contact Person: Irene Garcia, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A.
Email: us.sales@expertmarketresearch.com
Toll Free Number: +1 (818) 319-4060
Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
Website: https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2022

Latin America Wine Market To Grow Significantly During 2022-2027, Driven By Growing Culture Of Wine Tasting

El nuevo estudio de Informes de Expertos titulado ‘Mercado Latinoamericano de Vino, Informe y Pronóstico 2022-2027′, ofrece un análisis profundo del mercado, evaluándolo por color, tipo de producto, canal de distribución y las regiones clave. El informe analiza los factores clave de éxito y las limitaciones, también rastrea las últimas tendencias en la industria y estudia su impacto en el mercado en general. Además, evalúa la dinámica del mercado, cubriendo los indicadores clave de demanda y precio, junto con el análisis del mercado basado en los modelos FODA y las Cinco Fuerzas de Porter.

The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Wine Market 2022-2027’, gives an in-depth analysis of the market, assessing it based on colour, product type, distribution channel, and key regions. The report analyses key success factors and constraints, tracks the latest trends in the industry and studies their impact on the overall market. It also assesses the market dynamics, covering the key demand and price indicators, along with analyzing the market based on the SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models.

Get a Free Sample Report with Table of Contents –  https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-vino-en-america-latina/solicitar-una-muestra

Los aspectos más destacados del informe son:

Visión General del Mercado (2017-2027)

• CAGR del Periodo de Pronóstico (2022-2027): 3,5%

El mercado de vino en América Latina obtuvo un valor de alrededor de USD 19,75 mil millones en 2021. El cambio en los estilos de vida de los consumidores y en las pautas de consumo de vino es una de las principales fuerzas que impulsan la expansión del mercado del vino. Uno de los principales factores que impulsan la expansión del negocio del vino es la creciente popularidad y el simbolismo de prestigio del consumo de vino durante las reuniones sociales y las festividades. El mercado del vino se está expandiendo debido al aumento de la renta disponible, la rápida urbanización y el incremento de la actividad de marketing y promoción.

Además, el mercado está experimentando un aumento de la demanda gracias a los nuevos y creativos envases. Debido a las ventajas del vino para la salud, la premiumización de los productos vitivinícolas, la innovación de los sabores y las redes de distribución más avanzadas, se prevé que la demanda de vino en América Latina aumente. Además, Argentina es un importante productor mundial de vino. Dado que el vino argentino está más disponible, la demanda de importaciones está aumentando. Estos negocios de propiedad independiente atraen a los clientes locales porque hacen hincapié en los sabores y métodos de elaboración de vanguardia. Como resultado, ahora hay más viñedos de este tipo dispersos por la zona.

Read Full Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-vino-en-america-latina

Industry Definition and Major Segments

A type of alcoholic drink derived from fermented grape juice called wine. Wine comes in many distinct varieties, most of which are impacted by various yeast strains and grape varieties. In the production of modern wine, additives are frequently employed. Many wine-producing businesses have expanded their product offerings because wine is a relatively affordable premium product.

On the basis of colour, the wine market is divided into:

• Red Wine
• White wine
• Others

The industry is classified on the basis of product type into:

• Still Wine
• Sparkling Wine
• Fortified Wine and Vermouth
• Others

Distribution channels of the wine market are segmented as follows:

• On-Trade
• Off-Trade

Key regions covered include:

• Brazil
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Chile
• Others

Market Trends

Latin American wines have become more well-known and reliable over time, which is why they are frequently mentioned by industry insiders and specialised media. Wine culture is particularly important due to social and cultural elements. Argentine wines, whether from Mendoza or Cuyo, are among the most known for their flavour and quality. The wines of Chile are well-known. With excellent vineyards and a climate and latitude ideal for winemaking, they became famous for their quality and greatness.

Undoubtedly, the most significant elements that have changed the viticultural world are exploration and innovation. This is perfectly illustrated by some of the wines in this book: ventures into the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina; a rise in plantings at higher elevations; and cooler coastal projects. New terroirs have received significant investment, and wineries have shown tenacity in continuing to try new things and pushing the envelope in every way. The increase in wine imports and communication about wine has given the younger generation an insatiable thirst for novelty, resulting in a variety of wine trends, with sommeliers at the fore of each.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

• Viñedo Chadwick
• Errazuriz
• Brazos Wine lmports, Inc.
• Vinarium S.A.
• Viña Limay
• Others

This report covers their profiles and provides information on expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest industry developments.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

Media Contact

Company Name: Informes De Expertos
Contact Person: Irene Garcia, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A.
Email: us.sales@expertmarketresearch.com
Toll Free Number: +1 (818) 319-4060
Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
Website: https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/

Latin America Regenerative Medicine Market To Prosper Significantly During 2022-2027, Driven By Increment In R&D Related To Stem Cell Therapy

El nuevo informe de Informes de Expertos titulado, ‘Mercado de Medicina Regenerativa en América Latina, Informe y Pronóstico 2022-2027′, analiza el mercado en función de tecnologia, aplicación, y las zonas geográficas importantes. El informe evalúa las tendencias importantes del mercado y las variables que influyen en el éxito de su expansión, y también examina la dinámica del mercado a través de los indicadores de precios y la evolución de la demanda. Además, se analizan las limitaciones del sector y se estudia cómo afectan al mercado mundial, al tiempo que se realizan análisis FODA y de las cinco fuerzas de Porter del mercado.

The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Regenerative Medicine Market 2022-2027‘, analyses the market based on technology, application, and important geographic areas. The important market trends and variables influencing the market’s successful expansion are evaluated in the report, which also looks at the market dynamics through pricing indicators and changing demand. Additionally, it discusses industry limitations and investigates how they affect the worldwide market while doing SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces analyses of the market.

Get a Free Sample Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-medicina-regenerativa-en-america-latina/solicitar-una-muestra

Los aspectos más destacados del informe son:

Visión General del Mercado (2017-2027)

• CAGR del Periodo de Pronóstico (2022-2027): 9,50%

El mercado de medicina regenerativa en América Latina ha marcado su existencia con una fuerte cuota de mercado a partir de un valor estimado de USD 1,25 mil millones en 2021. Con el uso de materiales que pueden acelerar el proceso de curación liberando factores de crecimiento y citoquinas en el tejido dañado (por ejemplo, la curación de heridas (crónicas)), la medicina regenerativa se ha abierto paso en la práctica clínica. Las disciplinas de los tratamientos celulares y la medicina regenerativa seguirán convergiendo y creciendo a medida que se exploren nuevas aplicaciones, con el potencial de tratar una amplia gama de condiciones médicas y mejorar la salud para una serie de enfermedades.

La medicina regenerativa está cada vez más reconocida como una opción de tratamiento para diversas situaciones clínicas, como las lesiones recientes y las enfermedades de larga duración. Las terapias con células madre han avanzado rápidamente desde el punto de vista clínico y científico, potenciando la medicina regenerativa e impulsando el crecimiento de los ingresos del mercado. Numerosas investigaciones fundacionales, preclínicas y clínicas para el tratamiento de diferentes dolencias han sido posibles gracias a diversas técnicas de regeneración. El uso de la medicina regenerativa para tratar tanto lesiones agudas como enfermedades crónicas, así como enfermedades que afectan a sistemas orgánicos como el cáncer, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y las heridas cutáneas, está ahora respaldado por pruebas preclínicas y clínicas.

Read Full Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-medicina-regenerativa-en-america-latina

Industry Definition and Major Segments

In order to restore or establish normal function, regenerative medicine involves replacing or regenerating human cells, tissues, or organs. By replacing damaged tissue or by triggering the body’s own repair mechanisms to heal tissues or organs, this field holds the promise of being able to regenerate injured tissues and organs successfully. When the body is unable to heal itself, regenerative medicine may make it possible for researchers to safely grow tissues and organs in the lab and implant them.

Based on technology, the market is segmented into:

• Stem Cell Therapy
• Biomaterial
• Tissue Engineering
• Others

By application, the market is classified into:

• Bone Graft Substitutes
• Osteoarticular Diseases
• Dermatology
• Cardiovascular
• System

Key regions covered include:

• Brazil
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Others

Market Trends

In the market for regenerative medicine, the tissue-engineering is gaining popularity. The ability to replace a damaged structure with a living structure and the potential for creating cures for previously incurable medical illnesses are two of the many benefits of tissue engineering. The demand for products in the tissue engineering sector is also anticipated to increase due to increasing expenditure in research & development for the creation of effective therapies and the continuous release of new and effective products.

It is being investigated if regenerative medicine, and more specifically cellular treatment, offers a chance to restore function in a variety of diseases, including musculoskeletal disorders. The main factor contributing to the large revenue share of regenerative medicines is the high level of research and development effort surrounding their use in the treatment of various disorders and diseases. In the real world, stem cell therapy is among the most innovative uses of regenerative medicine. Stem cells or their by-products are used in stem cell treatment to promote the body’s natural healing process and prevent and cure malfunctioning or injured tissue. It is the newest advancement in organ transplantation and replaces donor organs, which are in short supply, with cells.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

• AMEGA Biotech
• Biocientífica
• Hypera Pharma
• EMS Pharma
• SAVAL Pharmaceutical
• Others

This report covers their profiles and provides information on expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest industry developments.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

Media Contact

Company Name: Informes De Expertos
Contact Person: Irene Garcia, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A.
Email: us.sales@expertmarketresearch.com
Toll Free Number: +1 (818) 319-4060
Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
Website: https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Latin America Automotive Floor Carpet Market To Escalate Sales Substantially During 2022-2027, Driven By High Production Of Automobiles

El informe del estudio de mercado de Informes de Expertos titulado, ‘El Mercado de Alfombras Automotrices en América Latina, Informe y Pronóstico 2022-2027′, ofrece una visión estructurada del mercado, examinando sus diversos segmentos y variables clave como el tipo y las regiones. La investigación recoge un sólido pronóstico de la presencia de factores clave de éxito y limitaciones, sigue a los proveedores bien establecidos y las últimas tendencias de la industria que impactan en el objetivo de crecimiento del mercado global. También evalúa la dinámica del mercado y la relación entre la demanda de los consumidores y el precio del producto, junto con la auditoría de los modelos FODA y de las cinco fuerzas de Porter.

The market study report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Automotive Floor Carpet Market 2022-2027’, gives structured insights into the market, examining its diverse segments and key variables such as type and key regions. The research gathers robust forecasting of the presence of key success factors and constraints, tracks well-established vendors, and the latest trends in the industry that impact the growth goal of the overall market. It also assesses the market dynamics, and the relationship between consumer demand and product price, coupled with the audit of SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models.

Get a Free Sample Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-alfombras-automotrices-en-america-latina/solicitar-una-muestra

Los aspectos más destacados del informe incluyen:

Visión general del mercado (2017-2027)

• CAGR para el período de pronóstico (2022-2027): 3,60%

Debido al aumento de la fabricación de automóviles, se espera que el valor medio del mercado latinoamericano de alfombras para automóviles alcance los 75 millones de dólares en 2021. El mercado latinoamericano de alfombras automotrices se está expandiendo a un ritmo exponencial como resultado de los esfuerzos de los actores clave para suministrar alfombras de piso de la más alta calidad para la máxima satisfacción del consumidor. Los principales impulsores y su dinámica están influyendo en la industria de las alfombras automotrices para expandirse en conjunto con los flujos de ingresos significativos de la producción de vehículos electrónicos en México y Brasil.

En las unidades de negocio de las alfombras de piso para automóviles y en el ciclo de producción se están examinando las formas de producir alfombras de la mejor calidad. Estos impulsores principales están teniendo un impacto sustancial en las operaciones de las empresas líderes, así como en el desarrollo futuro de nuevos participantes en el mercado latinoamericano de alfombras automotrices.

Read Full Report with Table of Contents – https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/informes/mercado-de-alfombras-automotrices-en-america-latina

Industry Definition and Major Segments

Automotive mats are non-woven or tufted mats that are used to protect the vehicle’s floor from dust, wear, and corrosion. These matrices provide a beautiful show as well as an aesthetic display for the vehicles.

Depending on its type, the market can be classified as follows:

• Nonwoven
• Tufted

On the basis of application, the market can be segmented into:

• Passenger Vehicles
• Commercial Vehicles

Key regions covered include:

• Brazil
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Others

Market Trends

The Latin American automotive floor carpet market is predicted to grow faster than expected due to COVID-19, as the shift in consumer preference for personal vehicles over public transportation was witnessed to stay safe from being infected from virus. Moreover, the customisation in appearance of vehicles for aesthetic appeal and current social media trends is influencing the market demand of automotive floor carpets in Latin America.

Mexico, a prospective leader in the automobile business, has increased manufacturing of luxury cars and electric vehicles in response to customer demand for a comfortable driving experience and sustainability, respectively. Furthermore, rapid technological advancements and urbanisation are altering the picture for the floor carpet market, with significant R&D contributors developing in the industry. These factors are altogether driving market to expand in target region coupled with remunerative opportunities for potential entrants to deal and earn higher profit margins in automotive mats.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

• Low & Bonar Plc
• Toyota Boshoku Corp.
• Autoneum
• Grupo Antolin
• Adler Pelzer Holding GmbH
• Others

The insights in the market research report provide growth possibilities, socio-political environment factors affecting the market, launches of products, new entrants dominating the market, and the presence of key companies driving the industry.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

Media Contact

Company Name: Informes De Expertos
Contact Person: Irene Garcia, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A.
Email: us.sales@expertmarketresearch.com
Toll Free Number: +1 (818) 319-4060
Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
Website: https://www.informesdeexpertos.com/